wild turkey 2016John Rowland headed up to Mocksville yesterday afternoon to hunt with team member Russell Hancock. While they were checking fields they came across some birds in a field. They thought about trying the Scoot N Shoot. After Russell filled John in on the concept of the Scoot N Shoot, he headed off into the field. The plan was for him to get out in the field a 100yds or so before they figured the tom would notice him and make a move. Things didn’t go as planned! John barely got out into the field before the tom noticed him and made a charge straight to him! John didn’t know what to expect so when the bird got within 15yds Russell started telling him to “shoot, shoot, shoot”…. BOOM! Thunder Chicken Down!

Beard lenth: 10 3/4″

Spur Length: 1 1/8”

Turkey Weight: 22lbs

Jbone turkey 2016


John MacPherson

704 Outdoors Pro Staff

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