You have heard some stories from different team members over the course of the past couple years. Now we’re getting ready to launch our TV show on the Hunt Channel starting in January! If you’ve been following us since we’ve launched you’ve heard from several of us since the beginning and some from a few new faces. We’ve had a blast sharing our adventures with all of our fans and over the next couple weeks we are going to share with you who we are! Each team member is going to publish a short bio for all of the fans to get to know a little bit about each team member behind the scenes. We want to thank everyone for the support and we look forward to sharing even more adventure with you all!

Lee Howard

Katie Howard

Haley Price

Jon & Cody Fentress

Rich Todaro

We’ll keep updating the list as we publish new bio’s!

John MacPherson

704 Outdoors Pro Staff

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