We had the pleasure of meeting Keith and Zack Doyle of The Rack Packer at the Pee Dee Deer Classic. We were pretty impressed with how well the Rack Packer was built and it definitely looked like it would function great in the field. We grabbed a couple to try out and brought it back to the 704!
As soon as we returned from Florence, SC we actually put the Rack Packer to use by unloading all the Wannamaker Wildlife Seed bags we brought back with us. It sure did help! We had the truck unloaded in no time and we put the Rack Packer back in the truck. I had a couple hog traps that needed to be checked so I just knew we would get a chance to utilize the Rack Packer again soon.
I was jacked up when I pulled out of the driveway last Sunday morning because I just had a good feeling that there were some hogs in my traps. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I couldn’t wait to get to the first trap. As I started getting closer I noticed 3 black forms in my trap, we snatched up 3 wild hogs! I was so excited that I almost forgot to grab the gun when I went to check out my catch. I walked up to them and sure enough, one nice sow and two year old hogs. Perfect eating size! It was time to get to work because the weather was extremely hot and I knew we had no time to waste or the meat would spoil.
I quickly dispatched the hogs and ran back to the truck to grab the Rack Packer. I was glad I had it because we had to get the hogs on ice quick like! I got all the straps loosened up and the Rack Packer in place to toss the first hog on. I remembered how the Doyles told me to strap your game down and it was super easy! I had first hog on the Rack Packer and strapped down in less than a minute and off we were. I was able to make it to the truck quick and easy since the hog was strapped down tight and it wasn’t fighting me to the truck by flopping around or falling off. That’s a huge advantage over other game carts by not having the weight constantly shifting around on you and causing you to loose your balance! One down and now off to get the other 2, no time to waste. I did the same with the other 2 hogs, took a second to snap some pictures when I got to the truck for the last time and off we went to get the hogs on ice.
I am thoroughly impressed with how easy the Rack Packer is to use as well as how rigid it is for a game cart that only weighs 15lbs and folds into such a small package, 29x24x5 inches. You would think something that folds would have some flex or bounce as you walk through the woods but not the Rack Packer. I am positive that if I had to drag those hogs to the truck in those weather conditions I would have surely lost the meat from the hogs. It takes no time for pork to spoil in hot conditions and thanks to the Rack Packer we didn’t loose one hog!

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