We do a lot of hog huntin, trappin and runnin hog dogs. Today we’re goin to show you how we built our own hog trap that works like a charm. We build traps for customers...
Wild Hogs on roadside field we have permission to hunt & no one has a rifle!!
4HxH & 704 Outdoors Pro Staffers, Glen & John, were heading back from baiting hogs on one of the farms they hunt when they notice some hogs in the field...
Amanda Aldridge My husband and I went to one location with no luck. Moved on to the next location, got one to gobble back. Set up our decoys, we made our way through...
Outfitter review: Cyprus Creek Hunting Lodge SC. (Wild Boar) ~ Guest writer Erik Minman
Todd the Champion Boar Hunter! The only one to see and kill a boar over the weekend. A well thought-out hunt ended up being an over planned/expensive nature walk. Or...
No gobbling at 1st light but Beth kept me entertained. Demonstrated how she’d act like a hento get a big ol gobbler to come in! Funny thing, as we turned the...
Ever seen some turtles bump shells? I was doing a hog bait run on one of our properties and seen these jokers on the side of the trail. Homeboy is on his back but...
MacPherson takes a tom in NC turkey opening day with a 704 Outdoors turkey call Want a Custom Handmade 704Outdoors Aluminum Turkey Call in Maple or Walnut? Email...
While at S&S; Gaham Archery completing the 2011 Bow comparison, I kept looking over at the PSE TAC 15 on the wall. It just looked mean and man did I want to shoot it...
My Nephew Marcus has really enjoyed hunting hogs with 704 Outdoors. In this short video he talks about hunting hogs while he learns the art of our DIY hog bait.